Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bikini Challenge, No I have not lost my mind

I love Josie over at yumyucky.com. She is funny, inspiring, and has a great outlook on striving to be healthy. She balances working, four kids, and her own goals. I have been in deep deep like with her blog for some time. She started the bikini challenge in late Feb. What I LOVE about this is her challenge is not to end up in a bikini necessarily, but to rock a one piece, or to not be in a full suit by one of these people perhaps, http://www.simply-modest.com/posecom/index.php. Her challenge is to work at transforming your body and define what bikini ready means to you. She specifically says she does not care about how much weight you lose, or what you weigh but how you transform. I love this. I love the idea of it being up to you to define what does bikini ready mean, and that it's not about an amount of pounds lost. It's about working hard and doing good things for your body. I have entered the challenge because I think it's a good way to stay connected to my goals, and you could win a $200 prize. Body transformation and some cash for the new bathing suit you might need? Bonus! Below is a link to it. Check her out and the challenge. I guarantee you'll fall in love with her and yumyucky.


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