Saturday, October 15, 2011

My Hero

There's this guy at my gym who I am obsessed with. I am not being my hyperbolic self I am truly obsessed with him. He runs like his life depends on it and for very long periods of time. I mean he is flying on the treadmill. I have watched him for months thoroughly inspired by how he runs. I seriously think his mom is a gazelle or something. I have wanted to say something to him for months. I mean I am his biggest exercise fan but I just felt too shy. I also never really had the chance because I did not want to interrupt his work out and following him into the locker room seemed too forward.

I was sitting at the cafe catching up with my darling friend Nisa when he came up to get a smoothie. Now was my chance....I gushed to him about his running and how he inspires me. He was super cool! He told me a little about his own running experience. He had been a swimmer but moved to the city and was not down with the pool situation so he started running. He kept emphasizing to me he had not always run like that it had taken him time and for me to stick with it. He gave me a few tips, and just kept insisting I stick with it and it would get easier, I would be faster, run farther, and find my own running way. It just reminded me everyone has their own exercise story and it's worth asking the people who you admire. Hearing that he had not just hopped on to the treadmill one day and started sprinting made my next set of intervals a whole lot more bearable and my hopes of being part gazelle felt a lot more attainable.

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