Monday, January 21, 2013

Week Two

Week two went pretty well. I pulled myself up on Sunday after quite the booze up weekend. No punishment, and no backsliding out of defeat. I got back on track eating well the rest of the day and prepping for the week ahead.

I definitely felt a little more worn out, but I also had some work stress cooking that was contributing. I also started soaking in epsom salts every night to ward off sore muscles. I started looking forward to my evening bath even if it made me feel like a 90 year old. I worked out one morning, I kept to the days I needed to double up cardio with something else like yoga, got my strength training in, and lucked out one night when a friend was at the gym. We chatted and I got 45 minutes of bike time in. 

I keep waiting for the the other shoe to drop. I keep waiting for myself to be like oh eff it this is too much work but I don't feel that way. It's not too much work. I also feel pretty great if I'm honest about it. I have more energy, I am sleeping well, I don't feel deprived, or like I am dieting. I had a cheeseburger this weekend, I gave myself Friday night, and Sunday off. Today I saw Jesse, and got some strength training and boxing in. Friday I also ate a ton of chocolate someone sent to the office and ughhhhh I felt awful. It just threw me totally off. Lesson learned I just cannot stomach the sugar the way I think I can. I also have a sneaking suspicion that I got a little crazy with it since the weigh in went down that morning. 

I had a date today....that went pretty well and I think having been working hard on my goals helped me feel more confident and relaxed. I mean don't get me wrong. I was totally nervous and had to skip lunch because I just couldn't stomach it which was not the wisest thing I've ever done. By the time I was heading home he looked like a chatty hot dog. I did however feel just better about myself. I mean I've lost 3 pounds so it's not the weight loss that put a bounce in my step but feeling clear headed like I am making good choices for myself did boost my confidence. 

Week two closed out with a 1 pound loss which I will happily take. Losses definitely help keep me engaged. While I went out this weekend and had some drinks, I was pretty resolved not to be a party pants and still check in with my goals. Tomorrow morning I need to get up and get my bum to the gym because tomorrow night I am seeing Ellie Goulding woooooo hooooooooooo.


  1. How was Ellie?!

    I can totally relate your story about the chocolate at work. I've had a few similar episodes recently and each time was like WHOA eating crap makes me feel crappy.

    Speaking of being in tune with how food makes us feel: have I told you that I've been doing the Whole30 for the month of January? I know it's not really your style, but it has definitely helped me be more aware of how the food I eat makes me feel. For example, I went a little crazy on some butternut squash last weekend and could immediately tell that my body wasn't happy. Too much of a good thing is still too much, apparently.

  2. Hello Lady,
    I just read a little of your blog, and I think you are a great and powerful woman, especially to put it all out there for the rest of us to read. Thank you.

    My question concerns my 16-year-old sister. She is an overeater due to depression and social issues... My parents have tried countless routes of talk therapy, weight-loss camps and even her entire 8th grade year was spent at a weight-loss school. Still, she is huge and unhappy. How do we help her ignite the fire that will tell her she is not hopeless???

  3. That's a really difficult and complex question. It's awesome you want to help her, but the tricky part is it's really difficult to. You and your family cannot ignite a fire within her unfortunately. It has to come from within her.

    My advice would be to help support and encourage her to build up her confidence. I think one of the biggest things that helped me was becoming a person, not a weight problem. It might be helpful for her to strengthen her identity outside of depression, weight, and social struggles. Those are a part of her, but not her and having this reinforced would be a positive that anyone would appreciate.

    I am a HUGE advocate of nutritional therapy. I think if food is your coping mechanism that developing others outside of food, and understanding your relationship with it are a big factor is stopping the overeating cycle. It was not until I started seeing a nutritionist who specialized in emotional eating I benefited at all.

    Some people have found success with Geneen Roth's books, spark people, peer trainer, and

    My biggest advice from someone who had lots of well meaning people try to help her is listen with as little judgement as you can muster. Don't try to fix it because you can't. Listen, support, and love her. It's far more complicated then a diet, or weight loss so try to minimize the advice and pump up the support. The rest will fall into place when she's ready and able to face things head on.
