Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Solo Mission

Anyone got any tips or suggestions for my maiden voyage? Since I am in NY and just got hit with a lot of snow I am tempted to try a few days somewhere warm but thoroughly open to suggest. Anyone taken a trip on their own and loved it, hated it, made it a tradition?


  1. I've never went on a trip all alone, but I imagine it would be exhilarating! I hope you find somewhere fun to go alone! Good luck~

  2. I'm thinking somewhere warm, and where I won't feel like a lame-o on my own.

  3. I have never taken a trip on my own, always with friends. I think you totally should ! It's a great idea to be with yourself and no one around to tell you where to go or what to do (yes, friends do that lol). Why don't you go to a "bed and breakfast", then you visit the city around there ? I was going to do that with my friends, but I think it might be fun even alone.

    Tell us what you decide to do ! :))

  4. I travel a lot on my own. It gives me the freedom to do exactly what I want to do, when I want to do it. A couple of my favorites have been Spain, Italy, Greece, Playa del Carmen (Mexico), and Panama. Most Latin tourist destinations are very affordable and non-Spanish-speaking friendly. Tons of people travel alone! Like you say, most people aren't paying attention to you at every no need to feel lame-o.

  5. ooh very exciting I have been thinking about a winter trip to Bali by myself maybe...but then it's a cheap flight from where I live, it's very exciting!

  6. @Kate, my mom travels all the time on her own and has done so since she was in her twenties and says the same thing. There's a freedom in doing exactly what you want. My point about feeling lame-o is totally my own insecurity and more I don't want to go somewhere that being on your own you are completely conspicuous. It's not like I am thinking of heading to a Sandals resort so I should be okay :)

    @D Go to Bali!!! PLLLLEAAASSEEE! I would love to go there so I think you should go to tell me all about it haha.

    @Elle not a bad idea a bed&breakfast.
